The Difference Between Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders

Bernie-SandersGreen Party candidate Jill Stein in Roxbury, Massachusetts on July 5, 2012.There are huge differences
between Jill Stein
and Bernie Sanders … 
Bernie talks the talk,
but Jill walks the walk.

1. Bernie supports American and Israeli aggression. 
He talks about corporate cons, but votes to fund unnecessary and avoidable wars of choice.

2. Stein opposes American and Israeli aggression.
She will shut down wars of choice and secure the peace so we can heal and rebuild the nation.

3. These two are diametrically opposed.

As for the Democratic Party and the upcoming election…. so far Hillary is the Democratic nominee. She has billions to spend. Bernie doesn’t. This is how it works. The only turning point is moving money, and if the money stays in the corporate parties, we will continue to export bombs, war and terror under a Democrat or a Republican.

Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Barack Obama and Elizabeth Warren all believe we must continue the Bush-Obama…

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