A Program to End Your “Addiction” of Voting for Candidates in the Two Party Duopoly!

This program is designed to build  groups to critically discuss the advantages (and disadvantages) of an Election Boycott as a tactic to attack the two party Duopoly which totally controls our national elections.  It is primarily intended for federal elections including those for Congress and the Presidency. But it may also apply to many states as well.  We MUST break this incredibly destructive “habit” which many people feel they are “forced” to continue and, therefore, begin the process of destroying the Duopoly. (***Note:  Use of the term “addiction” is discussed briefly at the end.)




  1. Admit to yourself and others that the political system today is totally corrupted by Corporate Control which dominates the two political parties.
  2. Admit to yourself and others that those same corporations and the wealthy elite control the electoral process and the elected officials whom they elect. (Over 90% of incumbents are re-elected and the same percentage number win who have the most money.)
  3. Admit to yourself and others that it is INSANE to continue doing the same thing and expecting different results.
  4. Commit to disrupting the electoral process by refusing to continue to vote the way you have in the past.
  5. If you agree not to vote for federal officials—Congress and the President—then ACTIVELY PROTEST THE CORRUPT PROCESS.
  6. If you think you MUST vote, then abstain from voting for any candidates in the Duopoly.
  7. Before you vote for an alternate “third party” candidate  make sure  you choose one not receiving support from corporations or “billionaires.”
  8. Examine the record of third party candidates in the past; don’t vote for one who has little chance of  having a significant impact on the outcome.
  9. Never give money to anyone in the Duopoly; instead invest in organizations and active “movements” working for significant change.
  10. Resist the influence of corporate controlled media. Stay informed and get your news from alternate sources available on the internet.
  11. Spend your time supporting  “progressive” organizations m focusing on issues and working hard to change the system.
  12. Commit to investigating alternative political/economic systems with realistic platforms being used to correct the corrupt system we have—and learn about them

Note:  Many of these “steps” can be done simultaneously and need not be performed in any order.  Consider joining a support group to discuss this process in detail and how it might best work for you and others. 

—-Thomas Baldwin, Biloxi, MS

A creative adaptation of Einstein’s definition of insanity as applied to continuing to vote for the Duopoly candidates.




Evil and Corrupt Duopoly


***Some brief comments about the use of the term “addiction”.  By that we mean a “compulsive habit” that can be destructive when the outcome is very negative to the individual.  For example:  “Although the precise symptoms vary from one addiction to another, in clarifying what is an addiction, there are two aspects that all addictions have in common.Firstly, the addictive behavior is maladaptiveor counter-productive to the individual. So instead of helping the person adapt to situations or overcome problems, it tends to undermine these abilities.  For example, a gambler might wish he had more money –- yet gambling is more likely to drain his financial resources….Secondly, the behavior is persistent. When someone is addicted, they will continue to engage in the addictive behavior, despite it causing them trouble.” (Excerpted from What is addiction.)

Why I and My Colleagues Have Become Election Boycott Advocates by Thomas Baldwin



Nearly two months ago a group of us began to put together an organization for the purpose of urging voters to boycott the upcoming elections. This was based upon several reasons but the primary one was that the influence of money in elections had become hideously corrupting to our government run by the two party duopoly, both Democratic and Republican Parties. And all but one member of the 535 members of Congress belong to one of these two parties. The primary source of all funding for elections has become the large corporations and the wealthy elite. This was made significantly worse by the Supreme Court’s Citizens’ United decision in 2010 and again by its McCutcheon’s decision in 2014 giving corporations and wealthy elite (e.g. billionaires) unlimited power to donate to campaigns. Thus, this group “owns” our entire system of government in Washington and they are the bodies that make our laws and enforce the laws. And our entire system of justice has become one of “injustice”.

These beginning statements will not be a surprise to many people who may have thought this for years. But the data which have been accumulated and distributed in recent years show vividly how bad the situation has become. For example, a good measure of “economic justice” is obtained by looking at income/wealth inequities and the data show that these now compare to those achieved in 1928 just before the Great Depression. With the Great “Recession” of 2007 these inequities were even worsened and yet, the wealthy elite and the Big Banks became even larger and more powerful. Congress repeatedly tells us they don’t have enough money to improve the situation and provide for jobs programs and the reason is they need money for National Defense and foreign wars to protect us from the growing threat of “terrorism.” Fear has replaced hope and promise as a primary means of “motivating” people to go along with their evil, corrupt practices.

This has been going on for many years, but it has become critical. Joel Hirshhorn in Dandelion Salad has recently written an excellent article describing this reality.  And two professors, Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page at Northwestern Univ. , have recently shown conclusively with an exhaustive study that the average person in the U.S. has NO influence on public policy. It is a total myth (or lie) that we live in a democracy. The people are totally brainwashed by a corrupt corporate media that spends billions propagating that lie on        behalf of their political cronies. Corporate “news” is nothing but corporate propaganda and that includes much of what passes for news about our foreign interventions. We seldom get the truth that our invasions are all about acquiring resources (particularly oil). In this excellent short review of the detailed paper by Gilens and Page, Eric Zuesse describes how “The U.S. is an Oligarchy and Not a Democracy.”

In an outstanding series of inteviews on Can Capitalism and Democracy Co-Exist  ? (presented on Dandelion Salad), Chris Hedges interviews Sheldon Wolin who coined the phrase “Inverted Totalitarianism” which is analogous to corporate fascism. These are highly recommended to everyone as it addresses a critical subject for the U.S. today.

Congressional approval ratings have recently been 15% and even as low as 9% at times over the last year or so. And the President’s approval rating is dropping like a lead balloon and is now under 40%, just like happened in the Bush years. Fewer than 35% approve of Obama’s foreign policy today and it sinks lower with each new foreign invasion and bombing campaign. Meanwhile we keep creating more terrorists than we are killing. It’s a vicious cycle of madness that we experience coming out of Washington every week. And the people are getting angrier and more frustrated every day with the miserable quality of leadership this country has witnessed.

Political corruption in the parties and moneyEvery Congressional election nearly 90% of incumbents are reelected to office and over 90% of those are the ones who spent the most money. Efforts have been made to create and support “third” political parties over the last 35 years or so but the results/records have been pitiful as the data in this report shows. With presidential campaigns, third parties have recently gathered about 2% of the vote or less in totality and they have not earned a single electoral vote! Why? Because the two party duopoly crushes any third party effort with money and mass media to discount it. It seems clear that change cannot be made in the electoral system unless a massive movement is backing a third party effort. There is no sign of that today even though there may be small successes at a local or maybe even a state level in special circumstances.


You can visit with us at the EBA, participate and stay informed by visiting these two primary websites:



Election Boycott purpose imageThis is the backdrop for the creation of a new organization, the Election Boycott Advocates (EBA), which is currently focusing on federal elections, those for Congress and for 2016 the presidency. Certain states may also be added later. But the two party duopoly has to be destroyed as I described in several previous blogs. We must stop endorsing this corrupt system by participating in their illegitimate elections!! Don’t give it your time and certainly don’t give it your money!! You have no chance to compete with the corporations and the wealthy elite! Spend it with your family instead! And consider joining us at the Election Boycott Advocates (EBA)! First, here is the Manifesto we created :



“The entire notion of putting massive resources and effort into building electoral parties to compete in the elite-managed horse-race charades is fatally flawed.  In the final analysis it does not work. We have to do something radically different, and the election boycott is the start of this new, genuinely revolutionary—not reformist—movement.”
—Ted Aranda, Election Boycott advocate and lifelong activist

TEXT: The Election Boycott is the first step in a struggle for democracy, for alternative democratic government to replace the plutocratic imperialist police state, and for the liberation of working people so that ordinary Americans can manage their society and economy themselves and in their own interests.  It has famously been said that the people have the right to replace their government when it no longer serves them.  This, without question, is the situation in the U.S.A. today–and we are now claiming that right!

A plurality of Americans have been boycotting federal elections for more than half a century, but only as individuals, silently–letting their rulers know that they did not support them, but in a passive protest. Now, with the advent of the Election Boycott Advocates, the silent majority of nonvoters has found a voice that will make what was implicit, explicit, what was silent, loud, what was unconscious, thoughtful and public… Continued at link.


Next I present a comprehensive piece published by the GREANVILLE POST which includes a composite of a blog I wrote at Progressive Activist Voice, along with several blog talk radio shows on CARSON’S CORNER with Bob Carson and one from the PINKY THE BEAR Show with Brad Holhut.

Greanville Post image on Election BoycottWHAT IS THE ELECTION BOYCOTT ADVOCATES (CONT.)

“The popular distrust in capitalist democracy and authoritarian elections if now so widespread the movement to boycott them is becoming nearly universal.” (See links below for completeness.)


ALERT: The Progressive Activists Voice


“The popular distrust in capitalist democracy and authoritarian elections if now so widespread the movement to boycott them is becoming nearly universal.”


Einstein on Voting---insanityTwo of our members have each written extensive comments on two blogs I just published. Those are referenced here: “Why I Boycott Elections by DeNeice Kenehan, and “Why I Became an Election Boycott Advocate” by Terri Lee.

Other brief comments are here:
“I boycott all phony elections because to participate in the farce is to endorse the farce. The billionaire class controls all governments in the United States of America and in many of its imperialist allies, clients and neo-colonies as well. In fact, in the 130 or so countries within the U.S. imperial-global hegemony, there are no democracies, and to pretend that such plutocracies are democratic, and even to vote in or run in these charades, is to endorse them and to give your consent to the billionaires to govern.

Turning the silent boycott into a loud and militant boycott makes the implicit explicit:
1) We do not agree to comply with your rule, billionaires! 2) We do not agree with your totalitarian dictatorship over most of the world. 3) We do not agree with your murderous wars of plunder. 4) We do not agree with your occupations and repressions of nations all over the world, nor do we agree with your worldwide repression of the working class and poor. 5) Our campaign of noncompliance with your rule starts with this boycott, but it does not end here. We will continue to whittle away at your illegitimate power until you have none at all.”—Christopher Driscoll

“I am a member and support the Election Boycott Advocates because it is the only rational alternative to our corrupt political two party system which we have today. If we continue on this path we either must destroy it or it will destroy us. It is controlled by corporations and the wealthy elite and the facts and experience of many years conclusively show that.”–Thomas Baldwin

“I am an Election Boycott Advocate because elections truly do not matter. The political and economic system is arranged for and by the ruling class. In order for the working class to have any sort of decent life, we must control the means of production.”—Bob Carson

“ I boycott voting for representatives because those we elect are NOT held accountable for their actions! When you vote YOU give your consent for them to do whatever the hell they want. I refuse to give them that POWER.”—Emmagee Mindy Oaktown

“It has finally become clear to me that even if the “perfect” candidate became available (and Empire would never allow that; as all candidates are hand-picked puppets), their presence would be irrelevant because it is the SYSTEM that is broken. I have stopped looking for heroes and have put my energy into a powerful movement that makes a statement. I don’t support the agenda of the oligarchy running the USA.”—Linda Calder

“Capitalism in any form and democracy are mutually exclusive. There is no democracy in America. Elections in America operate within the confines of the bourgeois narrative and not beyond. Elections merely provide the ruling classes with a cloak of legitimacy. Don’t give it to them. Boycott.

Sure, the ruling classes will still rule, but they will not be able to claim legitimacy. Voting is a coward’s way out. The voter pretends he has a voice. This pretense spares the voter humiliation which would otherwise force him to stand up for himself and fight the ruling class head on.”—John Mcgarry

“The working people are barred from participation in bourgeois parliaments (they never decide important questions under bourgeois democracy, which are decided by the stock exchange and the banks) by thousands of obstacles, and the workers know and feel, see and realize perfectly well that the bourgeois parliaments are institutions alien to them, instruments for the oppression of workers by the bourgeoisie, institutions of a hostile class, of the exploiting minority.” -V.I Lenin, 1918, “The Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky”—Brad Holhut

“Three reasons I boycott elections
1. Republicans
2. Democrats
3. I forgot the third,”—DeNeice Kenehan

“Our federal elections are a farcical charade that no longer
matter. They’re held to give us the semblance of choice where there is none. Our elected officials are selected and installed by global corporate elites who have no loyalty to anyone or anything but profit. Pretend, if you must, but at your own peril.”— Jill Dalton (See Jill’s blog on this entitled:  “Does Voting Matter?”)

“I was a sucker for the old freedom and democracy spiel. After Obama reneged on his political promises of hope and change, I could no longer deny those we elected and who swore an oath to represent we the people were no longer doing it. I started to say out loud and to the consternation of many that our democracy is a lie. Freedom is a joke. We are all being played for the suckers we seemed so willing to be. So just like that I decided to stop voting. If and until I feel my vote counts, that those I vote for are interested in representing what is best for the common good instead of a wealthy elite, then I have no one to vote for. Very simple and practical, really.”—Willa Bea

If voting changed anything they'd make it illegal

Why We Must DESTROY the two party Fascist Duopoly NOW!

 Einstein image on insanityCorporate Fascism Dominates Our Political System

by Thomas Baldwin

Biloxi, MS  October 19, 2014 (Update)

Since writing this original blog on July 4, 2014 I have become convinced this has become an urgent matter to address the outrageous corruption and incompetence in our political system–both parties! I have previously discussed in several blogs how I believe that a strong united progressive movement is needed to form a foundation for a new political system.  It’s not happening and in the current or impending election there is only one rational choice.  It is to BOYCOTT the elections at the federal level and to declare them illegitimate, corrupt and illegal.  Only the citizens can do that and I urge your attention to the ELECTION BOYCOTT ADVOCATES organization to become a committed member.

Whether one uses the term Corporatocracy, Corporatism= Corporate Fascism or the Corporate State, these terms all mean a complete merger of the corporations with the state. One can also argue that a Plutocracy or Oligarchy in a capitalistic system also strongly signify a strong relationship between corporations and the wealthiest elite. Sheldon Wolin introduced a term “Inverted Totalitarianism“.  What all of these suggest is that the wealthiest elite have gained complete control of our government (the state) and rule; it is antithetical to a democracy where the people rule. These systems are completely incompatible and cannot coexist. Continue reading

“GET UP, STAND UP”, A Very Good Handbook For Activists

Get Up Stand Up image

“Uniting Populists, Energizing the Defeated, and Battling the Corporate Elite”

Miniblog by Thomas Baldwin

Biloxi, MS, June 29, 2014

In this brief blog, I want to call everyone’s attention to a book I recently discovered which can serve as a very good guide to activism. Although the subtitle mentions most prominently “Populists” it can serve equally well for those who advocate for “Progressives.” And goodness knows, we need some more effective activism in this totally corrupt and dysfunctional political environment. The time for Americans to revolt is becoming very late as Corporate Fascism with the wealthiest elite have gained total control of our political duopoly. Continue reading

Update: Why Americans Must Demolish the Political Duopoly and Create a New Progressive Alliance

Einstein image on insanity

A Call to Action Now!

By Thomas Baldwin, Biloxi, MS

March 23, 2014 (Updated from December 15, 2013)

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”– Albert  Einstein 

Duopoly:  “preponderant influence or control by two political powers.”

Demolish:  “to destroy by breaking apart; to put an end to.”

Corporate fascism (or Corporatism):  “the complete merger of  corporate and state entities to create a political entity.”


Continue reading

Why Americans Must Demolish the Political Two Party Duopoly!

My work here is done--Obama--newA Call to Action!

By Thomas Baldwin, Biloxi, MS

December 15, 2013

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”– Albert  Einstein 

Duopoly:  “preponderant influence or control by two political powers.”

Demolish:  “to destroy by breaking apart; to put an end to.”

Corporate fascism (or Corporatism):  “the complete merger of  corporate and state entities to create a political entity.”


Continue reading


Clean coal image 1--schoolsBy Thomas Baldwin, Biloxi, MS

March 18, 2013

This is a brief paper which summarizes some of what has been reported on the technology associated with IGCC (coal gasification) power plants around the world.  As everyone may not recognize, the Kemper Coal Plant in Mississippi utilizes the latest technology to build a power plant to generate over 500 Megawatts of electricity. As power plants go, this is not a huge plant by generation standards.but it does represent a huge expense imposed on the citizenry of Mississippi to pay for this impending debacle. Although I will focus on the probability here of success, I will also comment on the financial aspects later.  I will leave the environmental aspects of this experiment for others who know much more than I do about this particular project.  I want to keep it as simple as I can!

Although the illustrious “genius” and the chairman of the three members of our MS Public Service Commission, Leonard Bentz, has maintained this technology has been “thoroughly tested”, I contend that he is does not even understand this project and merely a stooge for Miss. Power and its parent, the Southern Co.of GA.  I don’t believe he understands anything about the technology or anything about the risks and potential hardships involved for the citizenry/ratepayers of Mississippi.  He actually publicly scolded us in the most recent PSC hearing he chaired in Jackson to grant Miss. Power rate increases to pay for this boondoggle and ultimate debacle. He accused all of us for putting out false information.  Thus, he immediately showed his lack of understanding and disrespect in an afternoon session of the cost implications.  As Forrest Gump told us:  “Stupid is as stupid does.”  Mr. Bentz should watch the movie “Forrest Gump” again.

So let us explore briefly the record of “clean coal” technology to generate electrical power.  I will include my sources here for you to read but frankly it ain’t rocket science to understand the scam and atrocity being imposed on us in the State of MS.  So I will attempt to summarize as best I can.


There are numerous sources here which you can easily explore yourself just by searching (Google).  I will present a few of those here and present excerpts from those articles.  This is about the plant that the Southern Co. (yes the parent of Miss.  Power!) is attempting to build in China!  I will add to that the experience of Duke Power in Indiana.  Oh how wonderful this “web” of progress, huh?

Some Recent History

This source now is nearly a year old but is still significant.  Read this message!!

“GreenGen and the handful of other IGCC coal plants in various stages of construction worldwide—including another plant in China and two in the United States—are the sole survivors among dozens of IGCC projects proposed and shelved over the past decade. Most fell by the wayside only in the past few years. A push for carbon legislation in the United States collapsed, as did the 2009 climate treaty negotiations held in Copenhagen. Without such measures, utilities have no incentive to invest in carbon capture. Over the same period, coal progressively lost its status as the cheapest fuel for power generation, as hydraulic fracturing operations flooded the natural gas market and slashed gas prices.

The resulting IGCC casualties include even FutureGen, the flagship project in the U.S. Department of Energy’s Clean Coal program and the inspiration for GreenGen. The Bush administration killed FutureGen in 2008 amid rising costs. The project may return under President Obama but as a test of a simpler but even less-proven low-carbon coal scheme known as oxyfuel combustion.”

Source:  The above is from a source entitled:  China’s first coal gasification power plant opened in Tianjin.  http://www.whatsontianjin.com/news-3524-china-s-first-coal-gasification-power-plant-opened-in-tianjin.html

I don’t want to overload with you with data or information here.  Just some facts, mam and gents. This little 3 billion dollar plant that Miss. Power and the Southern Co. of GA are building in Kemper County represent an enormous risk and potential disaster and the citizenry of MS are being asked to assume all of the risks by their corrupted state government. 

Let’s look at another specific example in the U.S.   The Edwardsport, Indiana, IGCC plant by Duke Energy was begun in 2007.  I can’t determine whether it is running yet but I believe the cost overruns were almost exactly what is being projected for Kemper, about one billion dollars. It’s not clear whether it is even operational or not.  Here’s a report on that from  the latest one I could find and here are some excerpts:


IGCC units

“In 2007, Duke Energy Indiana began construction of a 618 megawatt (MW) integrated gasification combined cycle power plant. This plant was to be the first of its kind of its size. The gasification process at the new plant involves converting coal into a combustible syngas that will be used in a combustion turbine. The exhaust gases are routed through a large heat recovery steam generator that will be used in conjunction with a steam turbine to further increase the plant’s efficiency.The new plant is slated to be a base-load station. The construction of the plant has reserved the necessary space required for carbon capture and storage if Duke Energy decides to add this component to the plant at a later date.[2] However, when the plant was originally planned, it was thought the site was ready for carbon injection. After conducting further research, it was determined that the site is actually not geologically suitable for underground storage of carbon. Instead, Duke Energy Indiana would need to seek approval to construct a pipeline to transport carbon to a more suitable site.

Edwardsport’s pollution per unit of energy produced will be greatly reduced, as particulate matter and mercury will be removed from the syngas. The coal-derived synthetic gas is much cleaner than conventional coal combustion to begin with, and it is easier to clean to greater extent. Coal gasification allows carbon capture to occur before the fuel is combusted — a much easier and economically feasible operation than carbon capture of exhaust gases.

It is expected that Edwardsport IGCC will be online during 2012. 

Cost overruns and controversy

The construction of the Edwardsport IGCC has been clouded in controversy and legal troubles for both Duke Energy Indiana and the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission. Thus far, the legal issues have resulted in the firing of the second highest ranked executive for Duke Energy, the dismissal of the Chairman of the IURC, David Lott Hardy, and Hardy’s subsequent indictment for three felony counts of official misconduct in cases concerning Duke Energy.[3]

So what are we to believe?  Well certainly not the arrogant attitude of Leonard Bentz, our PSC representative from So. MS.  I can’t put into words that might appear in the press anywhere which would describe my attitude toward this man. And this is only a brief blog which represents much more to come! 


This part has become clear and the MS Sierra Club has done an extraordinary job of bringing this to the forefront.  It is so complicated with a web of political deceit that it is hard to simplify in a paper like this.  But it is analogous on a smaller scale to what the big banks have been doing to us forkemper-coal-take-action-picture hundreds of billions of dollars in the U.S.  Basically these big corporations like the Southern Co. are trying to use their political power to drive the rest of us into total poverty and dependency by gaining control over our political institutions including our Executive and Legislative branches of government. This is the essence of corporate fascism.  And folks, they’re winning their war and especially in MS!

Exhibit:  The Mississippi Power Kemper Plant. 

Kemper was originally proposed as the grand state of the art “clean coal” power plant near Meridian, MS even outside the Miss. Power territory.  When no other state wanted to build it, our former Governor Haley Barbour realized it was a great idea to serve his long term client, the Southern Co., and bring it to Mississippi.  There was about 300 million dollars from the Department of Energy to build a clean coal facility somewhere and Barbour said we’ll do it for you in MS.   The Southern Co, Mr. Barbour and others thought it was a great idea.  But the Southern Co., a large private company  could not get private investments to supplement their plans to do this.  Amazingly there was a bill in the Mississippi legislature in 2008 to allow public utilities like Miss. Power to charge their ratepayers to build a facility (whether it would come online or not) for the construction charges of a commercial private and experimental power plant.  Governor Barbour quickly signed a bill in the state legislature to fund it and guess what happened?  Lo and behold, a Kemper Coal Plant with hundreds of acres of a strip mine in Kemper County was designed.

It was touted as the numerous “jobs” it would produce.  Yes, there were construction jobs for a couple or more years and they were supposed to be for those in MS.  But that has not been the case.  The permanent jobs created were to be about 260 or so and no one knew whether they would be transfers or even new jobs.  But at the costs proposed for this plant, they would represent about 15 million dollars invested for each job with the “left overs” going to Miss. Power.  Not bad, huh?  Then there is the  cost for each ratepayer (186,000) expected to pay for this monster.  That’s about 15-20 thousand dollars a piece.

But of course, Mr Bentz, our PSC Commissioner was obviously not good in math either.  He has continuously touted what a great service he did by just authorizing Miss. Power to allow it’s first step in increasing rates for electricity by 12% followed by an additional rate increase of 3% within a year.  And this does not even include the rate increases which is anticipated by the additional one billion dollar bond issue to pay for cost overruns which could include an additional 5% cost increase in rates.  In other words, within a year, the total cost increase of our electricity in So. MS could be at least 20% or nearly what Miss. Power requested in the first place!

The financial aspects of this picture are a big “duhhhh”.  Never has any alternative like the uses of solar, wind, renewable energy sources, or conservation been considered. This would create many more jobs and represent the future.  But that’s because the Southern Co. under the “leadership” of CEO Tom Fanning,  and Miss. Power under the “leadership” of CEO Ed Day can’t figure out how to make money over “controlling” the energy from the sun. 

Oh my.  Is this what our corporate world which is controlling our government has come to??

**Photos are all from previous publications: Top photo is by Ralph Solonitz.  Others are originals and authorized for use by Thomas Baldwin.


Tom at computer--new 011--cropped (1)About the author:  In approximate terms, Dr. Thomas Baldwin has had a 20 year career as a Physicist (Ph.D.) and a 30 year career as a Management Consultant (MBA).  He is currently retired in Biloxi, MS and looking for work other than just writing blogs like this which is a labor of love!  Have computer; will travel!






Michael Payne: The Washington Kabuki Theater of the Bizarre Presents: “The Height of Political Deceit and Manipulation”

OpEdNewsOriginal Content at http://www.opednews.com/articles/The-Washington-Kabuki-Thea-by-michael-payne-130227-231.html
(Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Associate Member, or higher).
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February 27, 2013The Washington Kabuki Theater of the Bizarre Presents: “The Height of Political Deceit and Manipulation”By michael payneA version of what is called a Kabuki Theater of the bizarre is taking place in Washington D.C. This presentation features President Barack in the lead role, backed by a cast of political actors that are unfit to appear on this nation’s center stage. All of these ethically-challenged individuals, charged with the responsibility of governing our county, are performing in a manner best described as bizarre, despicable.::::::::
Kabuki theater of the bizarre by ramirami
   A version of what is called a Kabuki Theater of the bizarre is taking place in Washington D.C. This presentation features President Barack in the lead role, backed by a cast of political actors that are unfit to appear on this nation’s center stage. All of these ethically-challenged individuals, charged with the responsibility of governing our county, are performing in a manner that could best be described as both bizarre and despicable.

The American people are watching this charade going on in the nation’s capitol and are shaking their heads in utter amazement at what they see. This is like some kind of nightmarish presentation that continues on with no seeming end. If this theater production were being presented on Broadway, the actors would be jeered, pelted with eggs and tomatoes, and booed off the stage.

While this country remains under economic siege and is bleeding profusely from many self-inflicted wounds, those who were given the responsibility to find the ways to stop this hemorrhaging have now proven that they are not up to the task. This country and its society are staggering under the weight of endless wars, joblessness, corporate greed and corruption, and mounting violence. The people cry out for help but none is forthcoming.

While a typical Kabuki presentation is generally well choreographed with impeccable acting, what is going on in Washington with this Congress and the Obama administration is anything but that; it has turned into an ugly standoff between two sets of bad actors, opposing political entities that are locked into their own ideologies with no common ground or any ability to begin to compromise in any way.

This dark specter of sequestration, as has been pointed out by numerous respected economists and academics such as Paul Krugman and Robert Reich, is something that could easily be prevented; it is no more than a fabricated emergency, one that involves governmental incompetence of the highest degree. The real danger lies in the fact that this sequester has the potential to severely damage this economy at the very time that it is struggling to recover. Those in the know say that austerity is not the way to go and that the time-tested method of infusion of government funds to stimulate the economy is what is badly needed at this crucial time.

But the most troubling part of this entire bizarre process is the fact that so many of these pathetic politicians are perfecting willing to take this nation to the brink of disaster and to allow this country to absorb yet more blows to its economic foundations. That’s not just being disloyal to this country; it’s committing political treason.

The position of the Republicans could not be more clear; they are totally committed to the advancement of the interests of Corporate America and the wealthiest Americans who they serve; in doing so they have not the slightest feeling of shame or guilt as they answer only to their masters who use the power of their money and influence to control this government. Their actions represent the height of irresponsibility; their actions and behavior are reprehensible and they are beyond recovery or rehabilitation.

But what of the performance of Mr. Obama who likes to view himself as a president who stands up for their interests and welfare of the people of America no matter how difficult that might be. Once again, he seems to be headed in the direction of last minute appeasement and capitulation to the GOP and its axis of political hacks, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner and Eric Cantor who seem to hold some kind of spell over him.

Here we have a president who, in his foreign polity, remains very aggressive and on the offensive by launching deadly drones into the air space and across the borders of nations with which we are not at war. But on the domestic front, this same president is continually on the defensive as he is seemingly incapable of launching a counterattack to the Republican’s crazed obsession with a program of misguided austerity that will further cripple this already weak and declining economy.

What’s going on with this impending sequester can be likened to a poker game, one in which the stakes are very high. The Republicans are past masters at the art of bluffing even when they know they don’t have the winning hand. Conversely Mr. Obama is not a very good poker player and he has been known to throw in a winning hand because of his fear that his opponents may have an ace up their sleeve.

He seems to have a predisposition for snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory. And if he bends and breaks at the last moment and comes up with more concessions involving this sequester the losers in this game will be the people of this nation. He has had the Republican sociopaths up against the ropes but he apparently can’t deliver the knockout blow. This is the man who handily won the election and had the majority of the American people solidly behind him. But you would never know it by his failure to take charge of this terrible dilemma that now faces this nation.

One thing that continues to be a troubling point with the American people is the fact that this president keeps putting the issue of Social Security cuts back on the table. His latest move has been to offer up a “Chained CPI” that would, in effect, cancel out $130 billion of future benefits that seniors will need to keep up with inflation.

The large majority of Americans are fully aware that Social Security, which is self-funded and self-sustaining, has nothing to do with the national deficit and should have no part in this discussion. But this conflicted president continues to ignore their concerns and keeps offering it up as a concession to Republican demands. This is an absolute craven betrayal of the American people who should, by now, realize that this is a man that can no longer be trusted.

The general belief among many Americans is that President Obama’s performance in this presentation has been and continues to be extremely disappointing; that he is just not up to the task, not up to the challenge and that he is in over his head as the appears to be falling into another Republican trap. Clever and astute in the art of politics do not fit this president; naïve and susceptible to manipulation certainly do. At least that’s what, on the surface, seems to be the case.

However, there may be much more involved here than we think; that there is something much more troubling going on. It’s true that most of Americans continue to consider this a battle between Republicans and Democrats, but there is a growing number of observers in this country who see this seeming charade not so much as a massive confrontation between these two adversaries but, rather, as some sort of shrewd behind-the-scenes collusive deal; some kind of ploy that hides what’s really happening. Could something like that actually be in process, is that what these two parties are doing in concert? Whatever is going on, if the past is any indication of what the future holds, we can be sure that it will bring more pain and misery on the people of this country.

This Kabuki Theater of the bizarre and absurd presents a stark picture of political deceit and manipulation of the highest order. And as this dark theatrical presentation enters its final act over the next days, weeks and months it most certainly will be recorded in history as a most pitiful, pathetic performance by those who have been entrusted with governing this nation.

Michael Payne

Submitters Bio:

Michael Payne is an independent progressive activist. His writings deal with social, economic, political and foreign policy issues. He is a graduate of Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois and a U.S. Army veteran. His primary objective is to inform readers of the fact that this nation’s agenda of perpetual war is leading it down a path to financial ruin; and that the proliferation of unjustified wars and a military empire must be ended. Secondly that we must find the ways to expel Corporate America from our government and political system before it destroys our democracy.

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michael payneBecome a Fan

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kabuki Theater of the Bizarre

This Kabuki Theater of the bizarre and absurd presents a stark picture of political deceit and manipulation of the highest order. And as this dark theatrical presentation enters its final act over the next days, weeks and months it most certainly will be recorded in history as a most pitiful, pathetic performance by those who have been entrusted with governing this nation.

Submitted on Wednesday, Feb 27, 2013 at 12:00:24 PM

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Dr. Tom BaldwinBecome a Fan

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Excellent article by Michael Payne!
As is becoming somewhat common, but Michael Payne has written another excellent article.  Perhaps our thoughts are beginning to converge from a distance.  It is becoming increasingly clear to me that Obama is either grossly incompetent as a leader (one possibility) or he is being totally controlled by corporate fascist forces which control both political parties.  We have “Wizards of Oz” behind the screen and we just haven’t realized it yet!!  We have to identify and disclose those!!Submitted on Wednesday, Feb 27, 2013 at 1:07:32 PM
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Patricia GrayBecome a Fan

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Reply to Dr. Tom Baldwin: Whos side is Obama on?
Obama is a member of those corporate fascists in control of our government. He is a dictator since he signed the NDAA .  This law gives him the power to have any one of us killed. No trial.  No defense. Just death, on his say so.  Sig Heil!
Submitted on Wednesday, Feb 27, 2013 at 1:58:19 PM
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Patricia GrayBecome a Fan

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We share the blame.
Our government is corrupt and we allowed this to happen by limiting our choice to one or the other of the evil duo. We fell for the phony ‘contest’ when the two acted like they had different points of view.  They don’t.  We been had.  Face that fact and see what is going on in Italy.  Out of nowhere a new party has come that says they want the government to act in the interests of all the people.  We need that here, and pretty damn quick.   We will not enjoy austerity, but the top 1% will.  Our future is dark if we don’t wise up quickly and throw out the corrupt in Congress—and that is EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!  Kick them out and start over.
Submitted on Wednesday, Feb 27, 2013 at 1:50:58 PM
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Don CaldarazzoBecome a Fan

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Nice article, except
for the part where we have to pretend the Republicrats are two separate entities driven by separate ideologies.  That hokey Kabuki became transparent a hell of a long time ago, at least to this audience member.  All you have to do is start with the premise that both parties serve the same master, a master who wants total war, total surveillance and therefore totalcontrol, and an idiot mass of sickly, misled, pathetic, incapable, malleable Amerorabble who will believe anything, and who will always fight themselves rather than their oppressors, compelled to do so by a very simple set of programmed triggers – all without having the slightest ability to reflect upon such a strange, Fascist-Regime-Preoccupations.

If you start with that premise, lo and behold, it is always proven true.  To the degree that we pretend this isn’t true is the exact degree to which we have been brainwashed by propaganda.

Still a good article though.

Submitted on Wednesday, Feb 27, 2013 at 2:02:37 PM

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michael payneBecome a Fan

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Reply to Don Caldarazzo: ideologies
Trying to make sense out of the Washington cesspool is an exercise in futility. The entire political process is thoroughly contaminated. There is a difference in ideologies in that Republicans are totally committed to Corporate America and the wealthy of America while I  see Democrats, at least some of them, who are still on the side of the people and their interests. There are no Republicans crossing over to support the mass of Americans’ interests while there are far too many Democrats like the Blue Dogs and some others who have unofficially joined the GOP agenda.In certain areas though such as supporting the agenda of endless war, the use of drones and the Bush and Obama legislation to restrict the Constitutional rights and freedoms of the American people, i.e., the Patriot Act, the FISA Laws, the NDAA and others, they are exactly the same and a disgrace to this country.This government and this political process is going to take America down until we the people find the ways to accomplish two things. First we have to find a way to initiate a massive grass roots movement to create a strong, viable Progressive Party that will represent the true interests of the people of America. So far, that is no more than wishful thinking as the best and brightest minds in America are showing no interest or inclination to any such thing.Secondly, with or without a new Progressive Party we the people must find the ways to totally remove Corporate America and the masters of Corporatism from this government and this political process. If we can’t find the ways to do that and the current situation is allowed to continue, there is no hope for America and what is going on today will never change.
Submitted on Wednesday, Feb 27, 2013 at 2:46:20 PM
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Dr. Tom BaldwinBecome a Fan

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Reply to michael payne: Comments are great, too!
I agree almost entirely with the comments made here but especially with Michael’s. We are headed down the drain at incredible speed and both political parties are taking us there.  Our political system is not “broken” or “dysfunctional”.  It is brain dead–defunct. And until we recognize that, “reform” is a joke.  It’s like a human body where all the organs have stopped working. Who you gonna call?  Ghost Busters?Submitted on Wednesday, Feb 27, 2013 at 3:44:41 PM
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Timothy GattoBecome a Fan

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Reply to michael payne: Is There Really any Hope?

The Democrats and Republicans are working for corporate America and against the people. This has been the case for a long, long time. Without an amendment to the Constitution that takes corporate money out of elections, there is really no hope at all of starting a viable third party that represents the working poor of America. This is not conjecture, its a fact (at least in my mind).

I’ve been writing about this since 2004. So have many others. We all seem to realize what time it really is but we can’t seem to do anything about it.

I thought the Occupy Movement would morph into something but the powers that run this country shut it down as quickly as they could. I think I know now how the thinking people in Germany felt when they saw he rise of fascism there. That’s all this is you know. Take all of the rhetoric out of the discourse and the ugly face of dictatorial fascism is there for all to see. You can’t expect to change America with only a few dozen lawmakers out of 500+ who have any scruples.

Submitted on Wednesday, Feb 27, 2013 at 4:42:08 PM

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michael payneBecome a Fan

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Reply to Timothy Gatto: is there really any answer?

Right now, based on the combination of this contaminated political system, the corrupted Congress and the current lethargy and submissiveness of the majority of the American people, there is no answer. And the probability of a Constitutional Amendment to remove Corporate America from the political process and government is zero to none.

I recently read an article, and I can’t recall the writer, that made a brilliant comparison of the America of today with Germany as the Nazis rose to power. This comparison was astounding as what is happening in America right now and the reaction of the majority of the people in this country is almost identical to what happened back in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s. It was an absolutely frightening analysis of America at this point in its history.

The article ended with the well-known series of statements beginning with “First they came for the communists and I did not speak out”, “then they came for socialists and I did not speak out;” And, of   course, it ends with “and then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me.”

Right now there are no answers. Decades ago many good people in Germany were aware of what was happening; they did nothing about it, they remained in a passive state and they paid a terrible price for it. Now the same thing is happening in America. As we know history has a way of repeating itself.

Submitted on Wednesday, Feb 27, 2013 at 6:13:40 PM

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James TennierBecome a Fan

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what is really going on you ask?
A CANCER IS CONSUMING IT’S HOSTSubmitted on Wednesday, Feb 27, 2013 at 6:52:55 PM
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michael payneBecome a Fan

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Reply to James Tennier: a deadly disease

I think your statement could be interpreted in many different ways but let me present just one for now. I think a very deadly disease has infected this nation; we might call it a cancer. It is the disease of Corporatism that has now infected the body of America and has taken control of this government, our political process and our society.

I won’t take the time to elaborate on this contention in this comment but, as I have said many times in other articles, I firmly believe that the major underlying cause of almost all of America’s most critical problems, if analyzed in depth, can be attributed to the money, power and influence of Corporate America. This form of cancer entered the body of America beginning in the 1980’s and has, since then, metastasized and rapidly spread throughout the country. And, at least for now, there is no known cure.

Submitted on Wednesday, Feb 27, 2013 at 10:04:50 PM

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Stephen UngerBecome a Fan

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The Great Con Game

There seems to be a consensus among the commenters that the 1% are in full control of both major parties. The problem is not that Obama is weak or incompetent. Rather he is playing his role as the good cop in the con game that passes for our democracy.

I disagree with Michael about the Democrats. Especially since the departure of Kucinich, there are no Democrats willing to stand up and fight against the well oiled machine. Even independent Bernie Sanders, who seems to be on the right side of most issues, for some reason felt compelled to support the re-election of the Nobel Peace Prize winner.

I fully agree with Michael that, “we have to find a way to initiate a massive grass roots movement to create a strong, viable Progressive Party that will represent the true interests of the people of America.”

I made a case for this prior to the past election at

click here

Submitted on Wednesday, Feb 27, 2013 at 7:33:59 PM

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intotheabyssBecome a Fan

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We are under banker occupation
and have been for longer than we would prefer to think about. This fascist coup has been slowly carried out through events like wars, assassinations and false flag attacks. With the public acceptance of outlandish cover ups and false narratives we move closer to the objectives of the ruling elites.One need only look at Greece to see what horrors await us. Not surprising the establishment media no longer reports on the latest uprisings there. We might figure out that’s where we’re headed as well.How bad things will have to get before the idea of a general strike seems better than keeping ones head down to avoid drawing attention from the Reich is anyone’s guess.
Submitted on Wednesday, Feb 27, 2013 at 8:32:17 PM
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Deborah DillsBecome a Fan

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535 People Are Ruining America
Club Five-Hundred Thirty Five


The Constitution and the way it was to have represented the people, was designed to work for a maximum of two million, in a much smaller nation. Now, at 325 million, in 50 states, at roughly 175 times as many people, it’s easy to see why this cannot work. Yet the system and both political parties have refused all efforts to alter this arrangement, which has effectively crushed any ‘representation’ that ordinary people might have had.
So what do we get? Comparatively speaking – nothing is what we get. We’ve all paid for infrastructure, for health and environmental upkeep, and for defense. What we do not have is health care, a protected environment, a defense that works, a public education system that functions, or much of anything else. Most of these failures can be laid directly at the doors of the hallowed halls of congress. Those doors are open only to the armies of lobbyists and to the insiders of greed and opportunism, just as surely as they are forever closed to ordinary citizens. So we have the most expensive federal government the world has ever seen and we are dying in the streets, for lack of food, for lack of shelter, and now for the lack of our decent jobs that have been outsourced to foreign countries: this includes many federal government jobs as well – jobs like social services are now answered by non-citizens in India.
To be in Congress today, is to possess a license to steal, and virtual immunity from ever being charged with a crime, primarily because all their fellow congressional colleges are in on the same schemes as well. Since congressional people are not there to represent any ordinary people, and since they are the ones who would be the first to investigate any of their own scams – they can do whatever makes the most money for them, and to hell with the long-term affects on the nation or the world.
If members of the 535 club worked in the private sector they would have been instantly terminated. But they’re congressional club members – so let’s let them, give themselves a raise, which of course they did! Aren’t you glad that such a brave and responsible group of parasites are acting in your name, and in your defense?
Political ambition becomes a crime, when those who represent us sell us out for personal gain. The government has forgotten that we are the reason for their existence in the first place. And they have overlooked the fact that they are supposed to work for us and not themselves. Because of their cowardice in the face of potential treason, it is we who will suffer for what they did, and we who will ultimately pay for all their failures, as well as for all that we will never receive.
The UN and NATO now use the US military as their own military doing their bidding.  Congress just handed over their war powers to the UN and NATO by not standing to protect their Constitutional power!  Hey if Congress doesn’t want to be bothered with their constitutional power then why not just eliminate Congress altogether?
Photo from lorinovsreport
  *** It’s time for the American people to stop this assault on us, the People, and rid ourselves of this corruption once and for all-unless they like the deceit, corruption, lies, and theft these 535 people in Congress have thrust upon us all.

Submitted on Wednesday, Feb 27, 2013 at 11:40:53 PM

Herbert CalhounBecome a Fan

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Why Only the Republicans?

You seem to think that only the Republicans are committed to the advancement of the corporate nation-killing behemoth’s interests? One can only come to such a shortsighted conclusion through selective and mindless ideological blindness.

The Kabuki Theater that your speak so eloquently of, of mindless partisan spats, is just a diversion that takes place while the corporate class continues to pick our back pockets. That theater is exactly as they have designed it to happen. They play both sides against us, the middle.

Both parties, and 99% of our elected politicians, are in bed with the capitalism vultures, vultures that are homicidal, cannibalistic, as well as suicidal. Being their political whores is an existential necessity for American politicians who want to get elected to national office. That is how our system works, and is how it is best defined today: Political whores on the take, playing at the game of democracy; and playing at it badly.

And don’t forget that Mr. Obama is from Chicago, which is second only to New York as the home base of corporate class crime and vultures: It is the very cesspool of American politics. (Look at what happened to “poor little old prep school graduate Jessie Jackson Junior?” Poor guy, doesn’t your heart just cry out for him?)

I keep asking myself: How is it that Mr. Obama alone escaped being covered with “Chicago cesspool slime?” Maybe it is that he is such a chameleon that we simply cannot see it underneath his “hope and change” and “lead from behind” façade?

Or maybe we just have to wait for the other shoe to fall, i.e. for “the rest of the Obama story?” Once he is used up, spit out — then and only then will we hear “the rest of the Obama story.”

Submitted on Thursday, Feb 28, 2013 at 7:55:58 AM

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michael payneBecome a Fan

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Reply to Herbert Calhoun: Why? Here’s exactly why

First of all, Mr. Calhoun, I take your statement that ” One can only come to such a shortsighted conclusion through selective and mindlessideological blindness” as a personal insult and one that clearly seems to be motivated by emotions rather than objective conclusions. I normally wouldn’t bother to respond to such an irresponsible statement but I will in this case to attempt to add badly needed objectivity to the discussion.

Much of what you say about all politicians is true and, if you had read many of my articles you would have noticed that I have referred to Democrats as spineless and cowardly, that they continue to cave in on critically important issues, I’ve demanded that Harry Reid should resign immediately and I have been extremely critical of Mr. Obama for many reasons.

But when I am making these assessments I try to avoid making generalities and lumping everyone into the same category, that they are all the same, they are identical, there is no difference between them and they are both evil. That’s what happens when emotions get in the way of objective thinking.

Yes, far too many Democrats have allowed themselves to be controlled by corporate interests but not all by any means. Republicans don’t even try to deny that their main objectives are to advance the interests of Corporatism; that’s what they are committed to do and they make no excuses for it. They would tear down every social program, including Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, unemployment benefits, college loans and either eliminate or privatize every single one of them. If they were allowed to do just that the beneficiaries of those actions would clearly be Corporate America.

Democrats, at least the majority of them, are diametrically opposed to the Republicans on every one of those issues. And, if you think not, then please come up with concrete facts and evidence to make your case. In fact, I challenge you to make the case that the Republicans are not totally determined to privatize every facet of government that they can and turn the administration of those operations to the masters of Corporatism. And then please show specifically how the Democrats are doing the exact same thing.

I don’t really find defending the Democrats to be one of my most pleasant tasks because I am so disappointed and disillusioned by so many of their actions or lack of actions. But I get tired of those who make generalizations about politics or anything else that can’t differentiate between two positions or, in this case, two ideologies.

And, while not really pertinent to this specific issue, if you want to go further into the differences between these two entities, we could always go into the many ways by which the Republicans are working against women’s rights, how they are using every means to suppress voting rights and how they care more about protecting the rights of the gun manufacturers and lobbyists than they care about the continued slaughter of innocent children.

Submitted on Thursday, Feb 28, 2013 at 11:39:37 AM

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kappieBecome a Fan

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to much credit
You give Obama too much credit saying he is just weak willed and being manuevered into the republican position.I think at heart Obama is a Republican who stands for the rich just not as much as his republican cohorts.Obama has described himself well when he said he was a moderate,for anybody with political understanding this means on social programs he backs the people on economic programs he backs the corporations and when thiese ttwo ideologies collide he sides with the latter ,the corporation.this is what a moderate democrat stands for.
Submitted on Thursday, Feb 28, 2013 at 9:21:21 AM
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Dr. Tom BaldwinBecome a Fan

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Are there any serious differences here?
I have to admit here and maybe I need to read the comments again more carefully. But I don’t see many serious differences here between what Michael wrote and his “critics”.   I think nearly everyone agrees that the corporatist fascists (corporatists) are in nearly total control of our political system, both political parties.   Losing focus on that is a primary problem.  The “left-right” or “Democratic–Republican” Parties is an artificial divide and only enriches all those who continue to participate. It is a construct that the corporatists have learned to use against the people.  For God’s sake wake up!!  We have an abundance of people in powerful elected positions who are only there to serve their corporatist masters and Obama is at the top of the list now.Submitted on Thursday, Feb 28, 2013 at 1:00:38 PM
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